Why Choose Us

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18 years

Of successful experience

Why work with dikeyla holdings?

We are good at what we do

Dikeyla Holdings’ objective is to be the best in everything we do, turning our experience and industry knowledge into value for clients. Our focus helps us to develop a rich understanding of your business or clients’ businesses. Together with the insight, skills, and resources required to address industry-specific issues and opportunities, our role is to challenge clients to look at Dikeyla Holdings’ values; highlight what we believe and why we do what we do, i.e. to genuinely solve the challenges faced by organisations in an innovative manner.



We have the skills and expertise to ensure that the problems faced by your organisation can be solved.


Genuine value for money

We believe in fair and open business practices; our clients only pay for the value they receive.



Our flexible approach means that we can engage with our clients within their context without enforcing a rigid model or framework but still guide them in GRC best practice. We do not believe in generalisations but appreciate the power of context. themselves and their markets in new ways.

Know who we are

Get High quality Consultancy services from us

Dikeyla Holdings is a professional services company, with capabilities in governance, risk, compliance, (GRC), assurance, strategy and operations.

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    our key pillars

    We are anchored on these pillars

    "Building trust matters deeply to all stakeholders. It underpins everything we do at Dikeyla. Stakeholders demand information that will enable them to judge the value of a company relative to the risks that it takes. Stakeholders rely on us as to provide assurance that attests to the reliability and relevance of the information companies are providing. In this way, we build public trust."

    Building trust

    "Creating sustainable value is at the heart of the matter for companies and their stakeholders. We play an essential role in making sure that appropriate systems and controls are in place to report accurate and timely information, and in providing sound advice that does not put reputation at risk for short-term gain. Developing and maintaining trust while creating wealth with the advice we give – i.e. being a trusted business advisor – is where we seek to differ from the competition."

    Sustainable value

    "Leadership is one of our three core values; it means advising and leading the way forward on difficult issues for our clients and their stakeholders. In addition to being a leader in our profession, we have endeavour to provide leadership on the need for greater transparency and corporate reporting."

    Providing leadership

    "Dikeyla is defined and shaped by the way our clients like to work. Their organisations and the way in which they operate are varied and never static. Instead, they evolve constantly, requiring different skills and knowledge. Over time they will grow, and so will their needs. Our depth, diversity and geographical spread mean we have the ability to meet their needs with the perfect team of people."

    A team tailored to our clients’ needs

    "We are not bound by traditional barriers. Our people and knowledge are deployed wherever they are needed, across financial, political or geographical boundaries. In this way our people develop both a broad overview of global issues and an intimate understanding of their own sectors. Those with global experience work alongside others with deep local knowledge."

    An integrated global approach

    "Professional services are undergoing rapid change – a transformation driven by regulatory restrictions, as well as clients' demands for better service. Dikeyla has taken a leading role in meeting this challenge."

    A changing industry

    "A strong and durable reputation is among the most valuable assets any organisation can possess. Such a reputation can only be sustained by embedding quality deep into the organisation. Our reputation depends on adhering to the highest standards of quality. That message starts at the top of the organisation and touches every aspect of our work, including the clients and organisations with whom we do business, our approach and methodologies, and our quality assurance and performance management processes."

    Committed to quality

    "Our people have a firm grasp of business principles and processes. Our wide range of services is designed to assist a diverse client base to solve complex business problems and enhance their ability to build value, manage risk and improve performance."

    A world of skills and experience